Kb afgan loom vs serenity loom
Kb afgan loom vs serenity loom

kb afgan loom vs serenity loom

When I show you a stitch pattern there are several things you have to keep in mind. I tighten that first row of loose loops to make sure I have a clean edge.Ī stitch pattern is NOT a project. I do try to keep the edge as thin as possible so that it doesn’t distract from the pattern. How many is determined by the yarn which is usually left over or chosen more because of color then any other reason. The edge will consist of 2 – 3 rows of the knit stitch. I e-Wrap all my pegs then use the U-wrap to knit the cast-on. Mark the Multiples: The Number of Pegs Needed to Create the Stitch Pattern. Then if the pattern is made up of say 6 stitches – I mark every 6th stitch for the length that I want the fabric and end by marking 2 pegs at the end for another slim edge. I mark 2 pegs at the beginning for a slim edge. Then I mark out my edges and my multiples. The KBAHL does not have an anchor peg so this lets me know not to knit the slip knot that I placed on that peg. They’re good quality bands and the come in a large array of colors. Marking my loom is essential even with simple of patterns Please note that lot of these patterns will work on any gauge loom but the detail might not show up in the same way.įirst let me remind you that I have ADD so I can’t focus very well.

#Kb afgan loom vs serenity loom plus

Plus this one happens to be available in a lot of your local brick and mortar stores like Joann’s where you can get it with a coupon as well as on-line through eBay (best price) and Amazon. I use it because stitch patterns show up much nicer when you use small gauge looms. My loom of choice for most of these lessons is the KB Adjustable Hat Loom. So below is my step by step process in text, picture and video. Well I don’t want those people to think I don’t care because I do. I’m doing this because some people have gotten genuinely confused and others have even gotten angry because my videos immediately start with the stitch and not the cast-on.

kb afgan loom vs serenity loom

I am going to explain how and why you should NOT do the same. So I’m constantly asked how I start my stitch patterns.

Kb afgan loom vs serenity loom